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Are you facing felony criminal charges? Felony convictions have serious consequences and could have a devastating impact on you and your family. If you’ve been charged with felony in Louisiana, it’s critical that you start building a strong defense immediately. In Louisiana, felonies are crimes punishable by imprisonment in state prison or even death for…

The City of New Orleans is making good on its promise to fight blight in the Crescent City. Homeowners could face stiff fines and even liens against their property if their lots are overrun with grass, litter and rodents in Orleans Parish. New Orleans attorney Raymond A. Brown has represented Orleans Parish residents who have…

When you get a traffic ticket in Kenner, Louisiana, the best way to handle it is simply to pay it, right? Wrong! Paying a speeding ticket in Jefferson Parish is admitting your guilt and the violation will likely appear on your driving record. A traffic violation will show up on your state driving record and…

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